
J.A.M. > Julia, Ava, and Matthias

Friday, September 30, 2011

Apple Orchard

Every year I take my preschool classes to the apple orchard. Where we live in Michigan apple picking is a big thing and there are several orchards with you-pick options.

This year I have a small 3's class so I brought Ava and Matthias along with me to the orchard. It was a fun time with just my two little ones. Ava loved picking the apples and even managed to get a few off of the trees and into the bag!

Her greatest joy was eating an entire apple, core and all! I did stop her long enough to take out the stem!

We were very impressed with this huge pumpkin they had grown.
It weighed in at 400 lbs!
Because Matt was in the backpack the entire time I didn't get many pictures of his first orchard trip! The poor forgotten third child!

Before we left on the wagon ride I did remember to snap one quick shot of him!
For the record he did have a great time watching all the action from up in the carrier! And he got to eat an apple orchard doughnut!

Fast Forward a couple of days....

Julia's class went to a different orchard a few days later and the weather changed dramatically in a few days time! Her class trip was cold and rainy! But that didn't put a damper on the fun had by first grade and Kindergarten! Julia and her friend Faith had fun picking their 5 apples from 5 different types of apple trees!

She also got to bring home a small pumpkin, it was very muddy in the pumpkin patch!

Two very different apple orchard experiences
but still all the kiddos had a good time.
We love living in a place where we can enjoy fun
outdoor activities like apple picking!

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