Every year I take my preschool classes to the apple orchard. Where we live in Michigan apple picking is a big thing and there are several orchards with you-pick options.
This year I have a small 3's class so I brought Ava and Matthias along with me to the orchard. It was a fun time with just my two little ones. Ava loved picking the apples and even managed to get a few off of the trees and into the bag!
Her greatest joy was eating an entire apple, core and all! I did stop her long enough to take out the stem!
Before we left on the wagon ride I did remember to snap one quick shot of him!
For the record he did have a great time watching all the action from up in the carrier! And he got to eat an apple orchard doughnut!
Fast Forward a couple of days....
Julia's class went to a different orchard a few days later and the weather changed dramatically in a few days time! Her class trip was cold and rainy! But that didn't put a damper on the fun had by first grade and Kindergarten! Julia and her friend Faith had fun picking their 5 apples from 5 different types of apple trees!
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